Friday, June 15, 2012

Financial Stress: Wake up Call for Small Entrepreneurs

Financial stress may happen to small enterprises or multinational organizations. As a small business, you might have a small network and less reputation and slow business operation will result a financial stress.
Get Real about your Situation
You have to get real when you are under financial stress. Detail analysis such as current profit, liabilities & asset and current debts need to be done to see where your company stand is financially.  By doing profit and loss report, you will measure your source of income and review your expenses. From here, you may cut some of the unnecessary expenses and strengthen your financial.
Reset your Goal
Re-evaluation of your company’s mission and vision will bring you back on the business track. The business goal must be matched with your current situation and have a relevant time frame to achieve. You may work on short-term goal and merge it with your long-term mission. Taking step by step action will alleviate your financial stress, and your business will be easy monitored. 

Re-structure your Manpower Strength
Manpower strength can be a factor of financial stress. As a business owner, you need to evaluate your entire employees if they are giving profit or draining company’s time and money. Terminating not performing staff and hiring a new talent with fresh idea probably will direct your business to a better performance.
Hire an Expert
If lacking in financial management skill is the reason of your stress, you should hire an expert to overcome it. In house accountant or finance project manager will help you to neutrally evaluate your financial status or optionally; you may hire a certified financial planner if you intend to increase your investment profit.
Improving yourself
Once you analyzed your problem, you may add some added values to yourself by improving your financial knowledge and ability. You may register yourself to a seminar or financial networking talk in town and find out how business owners cope with their financial stress.
Maintain your Business
Finally, you have to ensure your business is continuously in the market. Having a lot of customers will ensure that there will be money will come into your cash flow. You have to plan ahead and next, your stress level will drop and you will back on your business track.
Financial stress can be a burden and entrepreneurs have to take immediate action before the stress level become higher.

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